~::SHINee Argentina::~ Expandiendo el brillo de SHINee en la Argentina
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110815 Taemin taking pictures of fans + talking with Jonghyun while on the way to Thailand @ Incheon Airport

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110815 Taemin taking pictures of fans + talking with Jonghyun while on the way to Thailand @ Incheon Airport  Empty 110815 Taemin taking pictures of fans + talking with Jonghyun while on the way to Thailand @ Incheon Airport

Mensaje por Clau Lun Ago 15, 2011 11:39 pm


me encanta verlo reir (l)
la cancion se me hizo muy Sakura Card Captors lol!
Irradiando brillo enceguecedor
Irradiando brillo enceguecedor

Femenino Cantidad de envíos : 1962
Puntos : 3198
Fecha de inscripción : 08/06/2011
Edad : 33
Localización : El vórtice de glitter

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